Parenting Jessica Hunt, LCSW Parenting Jessica Hunt, LCSW

The Summer Pressure: Moms, You Don't Have to Do It All

Summer break is here, and with it comes the pressure for moms to create a season of non-stop fun and exciting memories for their kids. Social media bombards us with the message that "you only get 18 summers," adding to the stress and guilt if we don't make every moment extraordinary. It's like the pressure around the winter holidays, but instead of tree lightings and Santa magic, it's beach trips and summer camps.

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Parenting Jessica Hunt, LCSW Parenting Jessica Hunt, LCSW

Celebrating Good Dads: Redefining Fatherhood

This one's for the good dads out there. The ones who step up, show up, and redefine what it means to be a father in today’s world. You're the partners who share the mental load, the fathers who know how to care for your kids without missing a beat, and the men who never treat fatherhood like “daddy daycare.” Let’s take a moment to celebrate you and all that you do.

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Therapeutic Techniques Jessica Hunt, LCSW Therapeutic Techniques Jessica Hunt, LCSW

Ground Control for Major Calm: Manage Stress With The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique

Grounding techniques help manage symptoms of stress by turning your attention away from thoughts, memories, or worries, and refocusing on the present moment. During the 5-4-3-2-1 exercise, you actively engage each of your senses to ground yourself. This method is based on established principles of mindfulness and sensory awareness, which have been shown to effectively reduce stress and manage anxiety.

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The 5 F's for Successful Relationships

The 5 F's for Successful Relationships remind us that successful relationships are built on a foundation of open communication, laughter, friendship, shared values, and intimacy. It's about embracing both the sweet and sour moments and growing together.

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