Bittersweet Transitions: Navigating The Changing Seasons Of Motherhood

Motherhood is a series of changes, each stage bringing its own blend of challenges and joys. Today marks a significant milestone — my youngest child's last day of preschool. It's bittersweet, this transition from the familiar rhythm of early childhood to the new adventures the years ahead will bring.


The daycare and preschool years have been a substantial part of our lives. Between my two kids, we've attended this school for 8 years. There's a pang of ambivalent nostalgia as I think back on board books, pumped milk, and nap schedules. The first steps, first words, first friendships — these were days of discovery and wonder. They were also a time of relentless sleeplessness, mind-numbing repetition, and feeling out of my depth.

While there was much to love about the baby, toddler, and preschool years, I find myself ready for the next stage. My older child is in the heart of his elementary school years and they have probably been my favorite phase of parenting so far. The thought of both my kids being in this stage together feels like stepping into a golden era of family life.

I’m so ready to dive into this new chapter. I’ll miss the chubby cheeks, toddler giggles, and Raffi but not the 5-point harnesses, buying diapers in bulk, or two drop-offs. And while I can’t help but be worried for some of the unknowns to come, I feel more at ease about them compared to the early years when the unknowns felt paralyzing.


Though my story is personal, I know many of you can relate. You may be going from middle to high school or have an emerging adult, but you get that mix of emotions that is a universal part of the parenting experience. Our ever-evolving role as parents is to support our children as they grow while managing our own conflicting feelings in the process. We’re constantly learning and developing alongside our children. We all share the experience of adapting to our kids, finding new ways to connect and support them.

As we step into these new phases, let’s strive for balance. It's perfectly okay to feel a mix of excitement for what's to come and relief for what's ending. It's also okay to be ambivalent about unknowns and grieve the moments that are gone for good you’ll truly miss. We can't always be present and appreciative of every moment. Be there when you can, navigating each new stage’s struggles and triumphs. Practice mindfulness when possible, but understand not every moment will be an incredible memory. We're all just along for the ride, doing our best.


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