The Summer Pressure: Moms, You Don't Have to Do It All

Summer break is here, and with it comes the pressure for moms to create a season of non-stop fun and exciting memories for their kids. Social media bombards us with the message that "you only get 18 summers," adding to the stress and guilt if we don't make every moment extraordinary. It's like the pressure around the winter holidays, but instead of tree lightings and Santa magic, it's beach trips and summer camps.


The idea that you need to fill every day with grand adventures to make your kids' summer memorable is, frankly, bullshit. Moms, you don’t need to do all the things to give your kids a great summer. Sure, if planning a jam-packed schedule of events and activities brings you joy, go for it! But don’t feel like you have to.


Instead of spreading yourself thin trying to make every day epic, consider picking one thing and really focusing on that. It could be:

  • Learning to Ride a Bike: Spend the summer teaching your child to ride a bike. The time spent together, the triumphs, and even the falls will create a memorable experience.

  • Joining the Swim Team: Instead of juggling multiple activities, dedicate this summer to swim team practices and meets. Your child will improve their skills and build confidence while you enjoy cheering them on.

  • Weekly Traditions: Maybe it’s as simple as going to the place where kids eat free on Thursdays. This small, consistent outing can become a cherished tradition that stands out in your child's memory.

Pick anything you want, but just pick one. These focused experiences can be incredibly special and memorable. Your kids don’t need a million activities; they need a mom who’s not driving herself crazy. So do something you will enjoy too.


That said, if you’re in the trenches of motherhood and even picking one thing feels overwhelming, know that you are not wasting this precious time with your kids. Sometimes, just surviving and being there is enough. There will be other summers, and it’s okay if this isn’t the one where you create a standout memory.


The pressure to create a perfect summer is intense, but it’s essential to remember that what your kids will remember most is the feeling of being loved and valued. They don’t need extravagant plans; they need your love and support. Whether it’s a big adventure or simply being there when you can, what matters most is that they feel valued and loved. Give yourself permission to let go of the unrealistic expectations and focus on what truly matters.

Pick one thing, make it special, and let that be enough. Your kids will cherish the memories, not because of the quantity of activities, but because of the quality of the time spent. Here’s to a summer of simplicity, joy, and meaningful moments. You’ve got this!

What’s going to be your one thing this summer? Let me know in the comments below.


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